Rugby athletes perform with minimal padding and with maximum toughness. This summer the University of Houston hosts a five-day Wheelchair Rugby Camp.
“It’s important to create opportunities for young athletes with disabilities, especially because there aren’t any true strictly-college rugby programs out there,” said Michael Cottingham, camp director and assistant professor of health and human performance (HHP).
The UH Adaptive Athletics @ UH student organization together with the Department of Health and Human Performance are inviting 14 – 25 year -olds of all athletic levels to participate. The camp will be held June 13 – 16 at the UH Campus Recreation and Wellness Center.
“Anyone with a disability in three or more limbs is eligible to participate,” Cottingham said. “If you are in need of a rugby chair, Adaptive Athletics will do its best to make accommodations.”
The camp will focus on fundamentals, tournament play and evening activities.
The deadline to register is May 13. Visit for more information, including details on sponsorship opportunities.
“This camp not only will be great for providing opportunities for athletes with disabilities, but it’s also a way for students unfamiliar with disability sport to see a world they may not have known existed,” said HHP student and events coordinator Brianna Florida. “We have an opportunity to feed that growth and add something that no other university in the state of Texas offers.”
Adaptive Athletics @ UH is a new student organization with aims to create a UH athletics program for students with disabilities. The camp is the first step toward that goal.
“We want students to experience college life to the full potential, and that means allowing students with disabilities to play sports such as wheelchair rugby,” said student Serjio Brereda, founder and president of Adaptive Athletics @ UH. “I am also a student with a disability who will take part in the camp. I have big goals for Adaptive Athletics.”
WHAT: UH Wheelchair Rugby Camp
WHEN: June 13-16
WHERE: UH Campus Recreation and Wellness Center
For directions and parking information, visit
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