
Meet Jack…HFM Kid Ambassador for 2019!

Meet HFM Kid Ambassador… 
Age 11

Activities/Hobbies:  Motocross, playing guitar and video games
Favorite Places: The Children’s Museum
Favorite Restaurant: Rainforest Cafe
Favorite School Subject: Science
Future Career:  Actor or Video Game Designer
Favorite Celebrity:  Johnny Depp

What makes you unique?  “Sewing Costumes and Creating new characters, dancing, playing music and singing.”

How’d his school year end? Good grades, excited to be going into 6th grade?

Jack had a fantastic 5th grade school year! He was student safety patrol and kindergarten helper all year long. He made CCISD’s Honor Choir and was also a part of his school, Hyde Elementary’s choir. He got good grades and earned the Masters level on his 5th grade reading STAAR! Jack is very excited for 6th grade and he will be in the school band and he made percussions. Kids have to audition for those instruments because they only take eight 6th graders for that section of the band. Jack plays the drums!


Has he gone on any cool trips this year?

So far this year, he has been on the Disney Cruise to St. Thomas, St. Marttine and Castaway Key. He’s been to Oregon, New Orleans, and Baton Rouge.


Any plans for the summer?

We spend all of our Summers in West Linn, Oregon, on our family farm. That is where we are originally from. We have a 15 acre farm with horses and chickens. Jack will also be going on his first Boy Scout trip to North Carolina for a week in July. They’re going to Camp Daniel Boone and he will go white water rafting for the first time. Jack has been in scouts since the very beginning, 1st grade, and has finally crossed over to Boy Scouts… he is very committed to becoming an Eagle Scout some day, like his Dad and Uncle.


What’s his favorite thing about summer?

His favorite thing is traveling to Oregon for the Summer and spending time being a farmer with family and long time friends. And of course, no school!


Some more fun info about Jack…

His favorite sport is racing motocross and he’s been riding since he was 4 yrs old. He also does Gymnastics and loves every minute of it.

Jack also Models and Acts! He is with the agency First Models of Houston and loves being a part of their talent family! Jack has done a lot of print work and a few my-pharm-blog.com over the last 3 years. But this year, he scored a roll in his very first short film, where he has to play an abused child. Jack blew the director away with his audition of being hit and crying. It was truly amazing.

Jack also dances and is a very musical child. He was accepted into the Houston Boys Choir and sang with them for a year.

He is super imaginative and is always creating costumes. He is literally a different character every day. He has learned to sew so that he can make his own costumes from scratch.

Other than that, he is a kind hearted soul who always sticks up for his friends, and is the first to help someone in need… especially when it comes to “SPED” children.

He LOVES all animals! Jack says if he doesn’t make it as an actor, then he will become a veterinarian. He plans to go to OSU and follow in the fraternity footsteps of his PaPa, Dad and Uncle.


What’s his favorite thing about being an HFM Kid Ambassador?

Jack’s favorite thing about being an HFM Kid Ambassador is all the really neat experiences you guys provide for them. Plus he loves photoshoots and being in front of the camera.


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