
Mom•Me: Amanda Ducach, CEO of SocialMama

interview by Kimberly Davis Guerra


From: Boston, MA • Born: New York City • Education: Johnson & Wales University and have a MBA in Leadership • Favorite Food: Cheese. Enough said. • Favorite Destinations: Buenous Aires, Tokyo & Japan • Favorite Author: Jhumpa Lahiri does the most amazing job of making me feel like I am drinking a mango lassi, on a street in New Delhi. The Namesake is my favorite.  • Favorite Houston Location: I really love the buffalo bayou. The way that you can walk the whole city from River Oaks to the Heights in an afternoon.

Have you ever felt alone? Ever had to deal with something that you needed help with, but maybe didn’t want to put out on social media for the world to see? Do you need advice, a friend or just someone to talk to? Then you need SocialMama

Social Mama is an app that is designed to connect moms to other moms. While you may think “isn’t that what Facebook, Instagram, and other social media is for?” Yes and no. On other apps, you traditionally put your stories or posts out for the world to see. On SocialMama you connect with like-minded moms in your area seeking the same things you are. You find your village.

Brilliant, right? We sat down with SocialMama CEO, Amanda Ducach to find out where this brilliant idea was born and more about the woman behind it. 

A few years ago, Amanda Ducach got a call from her best friend who was sobbing. Her friend’s son had just received a new medical diagnosis and she had no idea how to handle this new information. It was unchartered territory for her friend, and being 2,000 miles away, Amanda struggled to meaningfully help her friend. She knew that all she needed was another mom nearby to talk to; someone who had walked a similar path and could show her the light at the end of the tunnel. Thus, the idea for SocialMama was born. Amanda and her husband, Vish, created SocialMama a few weeks later.

Did you know that 64% of moms feel friendless? That 90% of moms suffer the ‘baby blues’? SocialMama aims to change these statistics using an algorithm that matches like-minded mothers, considering things like geolocation, unique needs, and lifestyle preferences. Regardless of their parenting method, lifestyle, or how they look, SocialMama will find the perfect match for a mom. 

This drive to purposefully connect and make a difference is a driving factor for Amanda. From the first moment we met, her passion and authenticity shone bright. In a world filled with ‘grammable’ moments, her genuine desire to bring women together to walk this bumpy, jagged, obstacle-laden path to motherhood is completely refreshing. The fact that we are lucky enough to have her doing it in our backyard is icing on the cake.

Originally hailed from Boston, Amanda came to Houston and found the city perfect for this startup. With our predominantly young, tight-knit population fighting the massive geography of the 4th largest city in the U.S., this community is a perfect launchpad for this type of company. The support of the city has been ‘a blessing’, according to Amanda.   

When I asked Amanda what her biggest surprise has been when starting her company, she stated ‘How hard it has been to launch a successful tech company. We literally failed at everything at first, but now we finally feel like we know what we are doing. Now everything works.” Isn’t that true of all the biggest triumphs in life? It’s those that push through those early defeats and continue to fight that win in the end. If it was easy, then everyone would do it.

“When you know people are in need of your product and you have the means to deliver it to them, it’s inspiring.” That dissection of the small-town community many of us grew up in has created an opportunity for problems that we never even dreamed of. In such a diverse and disconnected community, Amanda is sure that the solution to many of society’s problems could be solved with more connection. 

One of the recent discoveries that makes Amanda’s heart sing is the general forum area of SocialMama where moms are delving into surprisingly deep discussions. Topics of import and there is no mom shaming;  just sharing and support. This is what it’s all about. 

That deeper sense of friendship. Quality, not quantity is what Amanda’s vision for SocialMama is all about. Partnering with local leaders, businesses and experts in Houston is key to continued growth and expansion of SocialMama. Expanding the universe of mamas out there to connect to, providing relevant information and conversation starters to help facilitate meaningful conversations with tools to make finding them a breeze will all be the backbone of this visionary company.

So, if you are like every other mom, juggling time and priorities, and looking for someone to share in your struggles or just help you through a bad day. Download SocialMama and start building your village today. It’s free and you just may find a best friend for life.

Get it on Google Play or the App Store or visit www.socialmama.us


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