Even if you’re stuck inside, you can still give back to our troops and veterans through Soldiers’ Angels. With many virtual volunteer opportunities, including special support for the Coronavirus crisis, our virtual volunteer opportunities will keep you, your kids, or even your employees engaged!
See the full list at soldiersangels.org/COVIDVirtualSupport
Virtual Volunteer opportunities for all ages include:Â
Make a Face Mask
Have a sewing machine and basic sewing skills? Urgent help is needed to help supply VA Hospitals with masks. As medical supplies continue to run on low supply, healthcare workers are now requesting homemade masks to help protect against COVID-19.
Here’s a video providing instructions for the preferred type of mask that includes a pocket for the insertion of a filter.
Cards of Support
Stuck at home in self-quarantine or shelter-in-place orders? Don’t let boredom set in– pick up a pen and greeting card and write a note of support for deployed service members and veterans! After you write your cards, simply include $1 per car card and mail the cards to Soldiers’ Angels headquarters in San Antonio. The cards will be included in care packages that are shipped to deployed service members around the world and will also be sent in bulk to VA’s and veteran-focused assisted living facilities. The $1 will go towards one of the many Soldiers’ Angels programs providing COVID-19 relief and support.
Mail your cards and $1 per card to: Soldiers’ Angels 2895 NE Loop 410, Suite 107 San Antonio, Texas 78218
Make No-Sew Blankets
Nothing says I appreciate you like a warm, cozy blanket. Our Sewing & Crafting Team makes No-Sew Blankets all the time for deployed service members, veteran patients, and military families who are expecting. We constantly get thank you notes from recipients who tell us how much they treasure the handmade gift they were given.
No-Sew Blankets are easy to make and are a fun activity. Check out instructions here. Check out our No-Sew Blanket Supplies Idea List on Amazon!
Make Para-Cord Bracelets
A para-cord bracelet may seem like a small item to include in a care package, but service members love them! Not only are they useful survival items, but creating a para-cord bracelet requires a personal touch and an item that a service member could carry with them at all times. Personal items like this have a tremendous impact on morale and often become cherished by the recipient.
Please Note: Since these bracelets are going to deployed service members, the bracelets must be made from MIL-SPEC cording in the colors black, olive green, tan, or camo only. All the supplies you need in the correct color and specifications can be found on Amazon!Â
Here’s an Amazon Idea List to get you started. For instructions on how to make Para-cord bracelets, click here.
Virtual volunteers can mail your completed Para-cord bracelets, cards of support (including $1), masks, and blankets to: Soldiers’ Angels 2895 NE Loop 410, Suite 107 San Antonio, Texas 78218