
Here Are 5 Home Improvements to Make If You Have a Dust Allergy

Dust allergies are on the rise. The symptoms of a dust allergy include sneezing, coughing, and itchy eyes. It can also cause asthma-like reactions. Dust allergies are caused by an allergic reaction to tiny particles in the air that come from things like carpeting or upholstery fabrics, dander from pets such as cats and dogs, household mites and mould spores.

They can keep you from enjoying the home that you have worked hard to maintain, and they can even keep you inside on nice days. Many people suffer from dust allergies, and it’s no secret that there is a lot of dust in the home.


Home Improvements: The Best Ones to Do if You Have a Dust Allergy


Dust allergies are a common allergy in the home. Dust can be found virtually everywhere and as an allergy sufferer, you know that it is very frustrating to live with this condition.

The good news is there are many steps you can take to improve your quality of life when living in a dust-filled environment. Read on this guide provided by Mark Johnson, clean air & environment expert at ByPurify, where he will discuss different ways for you to deal with dust allergies at home so that they don’t interrupt your day-to-day routine!


1.      Clean Your Place At least Once a Week


Dust is a major cause of allergies, and the more dust you have in your environment, the greater chance that you will develop one. Dust is a menace to our respiratory system and can lead to asthma or other allergies. It also builds up quickly in carpets which ends up being tracked all over the house causing more dust build-up elsewhere.

To avoid developing an allergy from dust mites or other contaminants found on household, cleaning at least once per week can go a long way to help keep this out.


2.      Purify Your Air


Dust can be a major problem in your home and it’s not always managed well. To avoid this issue, try to keep the air inside of your house as clean as possible by opening windows if there is any outside airflow. You may want to consider purchasing an air purifier which will filter out particles from indoor air.

You should start purifying the air in your home because dust allergy is common among many people. This doesn’t just happen outdoors but also happens indoors too so make sure you invest in a good air purifier.

3.      Replace Your Air Conditioning & Heating Filters on a Regular Basis


You might not realize it, but your air conditioning and heating vents are basically a vacuum for all the dust in your home. The filters on these units catch many particles that would otherwise circulate around your space or invade other rooms if they were free to go wherever they wanted.

Replace your air conditioning and heating filters every three months to avoid dust allergy. This is because dusty, clogged filters can build up allergens in the house that trigger allergies for people with asthma or other respiratory problems.


4.      Wash Your Bedding At least Once a Week


Dust is one of the most common causes for allergies and can be deadly, but it’s easy to avoid with a simple bedding washing. Dust mites are microscopic arachnids that live in your mattress or pillow. They feed off dead skin cells and fluids from humans which makes them an allergen as well as being associated with asthma attacks among other ailments such as eczema-induced inflammation of the skin.

Washing your sheets is a tough job that most people probably avoid because it’s tedious and unrewarding. However, washing your bedding can help you avoid allergies and keep dust from building up on the surface.


5.      Clean Your Couch Cushions


Dust mites, a common allergy trigger, live in the mattress and pillows of most beds as well as other fabrics such as curtains or carpets throughout your home. They also love dark corners where humidity is high which means that couches with lots of pillows will always have more than beds because there’s so many nooks and crannies in between those soft pieces.

Cleaning your couch cushions will get rid of these dust mites. You could vacuum up all the fibres with an electric brush attachment on a regular basis or make use of warm water, so you don’t shrink the fabric or ruin the foam inside.


6.      Get Rid of Unnecessary Clutter


Dust, the smallest particle that can trigger an allergic reaction in a person who is sensitive to it. It’s so small you cannot see or feel them with your naked eye unless they have built up into mounds on top of things like bookshelves and furniture.

Get rid of unnecessary clutter in your home to avoid dust allergy. This is a common concern for people with asthma and allergies, but you can minimize this by getting on top of the messes around your house. You may be surprised at how much time it takes to keep up every day when things start piling up.


Dust is everywhere, so there’s not much you can do to avoid it and dust allergies are not something that you can just ignore. If you suffer from a dust allergy, then your home is probably filled with things that make it worse.

But there are some home improvements that may help alleviate your symptoms and make your home more comfortable for you. You can start with these simple changes before deciding how far you want to go in remodelling your house. Remember that the best way to make sure nothing triggers an allergic reaction is by keeping everything clean!


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