
Language of the Soul with Elizabeth Irvine

A Q&A with Author Elizabeth Irvine

This gentle, powerful guide from award-winning author Elizabeth Irvine teaches the language of affirmations, inviting you to speak from your soul and step forward into your meaningful beautiful new life, the one that has always been there, awaiting you.

Soul Language is all about saying more with less. An important part of learning to speak in this new way is using the power of affirmations. These short, clear, positive statements ask you to cut through the clutter of your life and focus your mind on one essential truth at a time. You will begin to speak a different language and have a fresh way of living. Here you are your best self—your true self.

In this book, you will find fifty-two affirmations with accompanying inspirations. Begin your journey by taking a quiet moment each morning to consider a single page. This small but focused time will teach you much more than making declarations. You will learn how to redirect your energies, discern what’s important to you, and form a commitment to yourself—to weave the language of your soul into your every day.

Why did you decide to write this book?

Decades of habit have helped me learn how to create an energetic vibration at the very center of my daily life. Over the past twenty-five years I have developed an intimacy with my practice of meditation and affirmation work. This book formed from applying affirmations into my life. The process of writing this book developed over many years with the intention to create a sacred book to use as a daily guide.

What do you mean by The Language of the Soul?

I hold the strong belief that we are all intuitive and can learn how to develop a relationship with our soul. The title, Language of the Soul references how to re-direct our energy, to gain clarity of who we are and what we want– and to speak in a new way, to tap into our deeper self, our soul. Affirmations help to clear out the clutter of our life and focus our mind on one essential truth at a time. To live more authentically and to discern what brings us meaning and joy.

An affirmation seems like a good idea, but do they really work?

Using affirmations is much more than making declarations. You will learn how to redirect your energies, discern what’s important to you, and form a commitment to yourself—to weave the language of your soul into your every day.

Can you give me an example of how to use an affirmation?

To use an affirmation is about supporting your positive statements through your conscious energy. Here’s an example: The desired change of wanting to lose ten pounds would become the affirmation “I am healthy and vibrantly alive; I eat only nutritious food.” You would then channel the feeling of what it’s like to be healthier, be lighter in weight, and have focused energy. Tap into the power of your imagination and visualize being healthy and feeling vibrantly alive. See yourself choosing a green juice or healthy smoothie for breakfast, instead of a heavier bacon, egg, and cheese croissant. Can you sense the shift—feeling lighter, more satisfied, and happy with your choice? If this is an affirmation that resonates with you, take this choice into action: Choose something healthy for breakfast tomorrow, and physically notice how you feel. Small steps add up. Soul work must be grounded in action to bring about consistent change.

How have affirmations worked for you?

Through diligence and decades of practice, affirmations have led me to a new way of life. A life that feels— more meaningful and holds a sense of ease and grace throughout the day. Using these short positive resolves has really taught me how to be more awake, to notice. To honestly think and speak differently. To bring my awareness to where I am putting my energy. To become comfortable and confident with my choices from deep within. In this place I feel more whole and happier more often.


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