It’s no secret moms are in need of relaxation more than ever – that’s why Koya Webb, internationally recognized yoga teacher and celebrity holistic health coach (she has worked with Stevie Wonder, India Aire, P. Diddy, Ashley Judd and more) has teamed up with to help moms find meditation and relaxation when they need it most – in the middle of the night!
Late-Night Relaxation Tips from Koya Webb
- Make “me time” – even if it’s for a micromoment: Before it’s time to tuck in, make a nighttime routine to signal to your body it’s time for sleep. Try something as simple as spending 10 minutes laying on your back with your eyes closed as askincare mask dries. If setting even 10 minutes aside seems unattainable, create “micromoments” of peace for yourself tied to sensory rituals such as putting on a smooth robe or sipping from a special teacup. Make everything you do sacred.
- Create a soothing environment without spending a lot: Sometimes relaxation and sleep can only come when we make our physical environment more accommodating. New research from online retailer Zulily shows that moms feel like their homes could benefit from an added dose of calm. But that doesn’t mean completely renovating your home: small, affordable touches such as aromatherapy diffuserswith calming scents and comfortable bedding can go a long way.
- Keep a yoga pose in your back pocket: Yoga isn’t just about exercise. Some poses have the power to help the mind and body settle after a long day – or even longer night. If you know Child’s Pose or Sleeping Pigeon, go for it. Need something simpler? Try Legs Up the Wall. It’s one of the best poses to help induce sleep. Lay with your back on the ground or your bed and lift your legs so they rest against the headboard or a wall. This restorative posture helps calm the nerves and remove restlessness from your legs, especially if you’ve been on your feet all day (moms – we know that’s all of you).
- Work on your breath: Most of us don’t realize how deep, focused breathing can have an immediate calming effect – especially if you’re a mom. Moms spend their days racing around, likely taking short, shallow breaths. Release the stress of the day by spending time on your breath. Inhale for at least 5 seconds, and exhale just as slowly. Bring your shoulders to ears on the next inhale to loosen up the tension building in your shoulders, and slowly bring them down on the exhale. Repeat for 2 – 3 minutes.
- Do the write thing: Let’s face it – there are nights when your mind simply can’t stop racing. A new survey from Zulily shows that nearly one fourth of moms lay awake at night worrying about the world. When relaxation techniques won’t quiet the mind, put your thoughts in a notebook. Make a list of the things you’re worried about with the intention of freeing yourself of judgement. More often than not, a written down list will help you realize your to-do list may be smaller and more manageable than you thought. Then, finish by listing what you’re grateful for: dinners with the family, your baby’s adorable laugh, those pictures you took of the family in matching PJ’s. By getting your thoughts out, you’ll hopefully turn your focus elsewhere – like sleep according to Koya Webb.