
Blue Willow Bookshop is that good!

Great selection of titles & toys at Blue Willow Bookshop


Blue Willow Bookshop is perfect. Not too big, not too small. Filled with more books, games, toys and goodies that you never knew you absolutely needed.

No matter what time of year I visit this reader’s paradise, I can always find just what I need for everyone on my list. I am never disappointed with my choices.

The best part is, whenever I am not quite sure what I should pick up, Valerie and her amazing staff are always there at the ready to provide suggestions to fit the bill perfectly! You can’t put a price tag on their vast knowledge and sincere willingness to help. I think it is what makes them stand out from the big box stores. No asking a computer what you should get for your niece – here you get the real life version!

If that wasn’t great enough, throughout the year, you can find various authors visiting this fine establishment for signings/readings/activities for readers of all ages. Whether they are touting their latest cookbook or reading from their new children’s book, there is nothing like getting up close and personal with your favorite author.

One of my fondest memories is of my son, at age 4, sitting cross-legged and wide-eyed on the floor at Blue Willow listening to Loren Long read from his book, Otis. He was absolutely mesmerized and followed along intently with every word. At the end, he walked up to Mr. Long, book in hand, for an autograph. While he didn’t know what that meant, he was eager to meet him. He handed him the book and received a wonderful treat. Mr. Long also illustrated the book and drew a quick little sketch in my son’s book next to his signature. He was so tickled that he drew him a picture. We read from it every night for many weeks.

This is the type of experience you can have at Blue Willow Bookshop. A place to get lost in all the possibilities of places to go, things to learn, people to become. It is a gem.


**With COVID-19 restrictions in place, the experience is a little different at the moment. However, I am confident, we will be back on the floor cross-legged in the near future.

In the meantime, check out their website for all their virtual author offerings and to fulfill all your reader’s needs.

Blue Willow Bookshop, 14532 Memorial Drive, Houston, TX 77079


Read Valerie’s Book Bites column every month in Houston Family Magazine for the latest must read titles.

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Book Bites

From our friends at Blue Willow Bookshop – the experts on all things literary! Be sure to pop in the store for all the latest

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