


Yorkshire Academy’s principal, Janet Howard, offers various language arts suggestions as well as math resources which Yorkshire shares with their elementary students to help guard against summer slide.

Make A Journal

  • Have your child decorate a summer journal using stickers and colored paper.
  • Give them time each day to write in their journal to tell about their summer adventures. You don’t have to go on a trip to have a journal.
  • Take a day trip to the nature center or walk down a path and collect leaves. Your child can make a leaf picture and write about it.
  • When going to the zoo, let them draw and write about their favorite animal.
  • Let them draw a map of their room.
  • Let your child make lists in their journal.
  • The opportunities are endless!

Find A Pen Pal

This could be their former teacher, an aunt/uncle, or a friend. Have your child set aside time to write to their Pen Pal. They will love getting letters back in the mail.

Start a Reading Routine

  • Let your child make a sheet tent and read under it.
  • Drive to a park on a nice day and read under a tree.
  • Partner read with your child. You read one page and let your child read another page.
  • Create incentives for reading.
  • Invite peers over and have a Reading Club one day a week. Each child can bring his/her favorite book and share their favorite parts.
  • Go to your public library and sign up for their reading program.
  • Make sure you read to your child, at a reading level above theirs. They need to hear wonderful vocabulary and the model of a fluent reader.

How to Set up your home School Room



Websites with math games and thinking activities:


At Yorkshire Academy, they cultivate qualities of character, citizenship, and academic curiosity in a safe, secure, and loving environment, providing personal and engaging educational opportunities in academics and the visual and performing arts.

Their Philosophy

Providing Excellence in Private School Education

Yorkshire Academy is a welcoming, joyful Houston private school built and supported by students, teachers, and parents working together in a spirit of mutual trust and respect. We believe that responsibility, collaboration, and intellectual curiosity develop when students are known by their teachers and classmates and feel appreciated for what they do best.

They respect each student’s individuality. They invest time and energy in helping students understand that they are worthy, have talent, and can succeed. They build confidence, encouraging students to understand that risks are worth taking and failure is a learning opportunity. They encourage students to stretch beyond their current achievements and points of view, thereby helping them build self-esteem and pride of accomplishment.

They have high expectations. They welcome inquiry in academic subjects, experiences in the visual and performing arts, and participation in physical activity and community service. They provide vigorous, enjoyable programs and curriculum directed by talented, qualified, engaging, and energetic teachers. They plant, nurture, and challenge the seeds of developing educational passions, inspiring students to strive for excellence and creativity so they might know the pleasures and value of learning.

They believe that intellectual development, emotional maturity, and a moral life are the hallmarks of a successful educational experience. They find that students who are supported by their parents and attend Yorkshire Academy for the duration of their primary schooling receive the greatest benefit. These graduates are mannerly, happy and kind, successful and well rounded, self disciplined and responsible students whose firm educational foundation creates a love of learning for a lifetime.

Campus illustration

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