Post Pandemic: What Parents Should Know about Teen Depression and Suicide
Teens face many pressures in our fast-paced world. They endure the natural body and hormone
changes we all faced as young people, plus questions of identity and finding a place socially,
emotionally and psychologically. But teen depression goes further than normal moodiness and
can sometimes be hard to diagnose. The good news is that teen depression is treatable and young
lives can be rescued back to normalcy.
In 2020 the Psychiatric Research and Clinical Practice journal published a piece that linked the
alarming rise in mental health issues for teens to increased technology use. It cited loneliness
stemming from reduced face to face social interactions, poorer communication when with peers
due to interrupted interactions, poor sleep patterns and less quality sleep. It also cited
cyberbullying and toxic online interactions including a tendency for young people to encourage
others to self-harm in a contagious negative online space.
Today, the poor mental health and suicidal tendencies of our young people are even more
alarming. Teen suicide is on the rise, especially in young girls. The Center for Disease Control
and Prevention reports that nearly one in three girls will seriously consider attempting
suicide—up nearly 60% from a decade ago. One in five girls report an incident of sexual
violence and one in ten report having been forced to have sex. Teens who identify as lesbian,
gay, bisexual or questioning report extreme and ongoing distress in their struggles with mental
The pandemic has exacerbated the mental health challenges for our young people. Sheri
Madigan, Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology and Chair of Research at the University of
Calgary, reports that at the height of the pandemic incidents of depression and anxiety doubled.
And the longer the pandemic restrictions lasted, the worse the problems became. Issues of social
isolation, missed milestones such as graduations, family financial problems related to the virus
and school disruptions all worked together to further stress and isolate young people.
Feelings of persistent sadness and hopelessness increased as predictability in daily life routines
disappeared. Additionally, many of the mental health resources available in a given
community—mentors, counselors, and other support systems often center within schools, and
were not available during shut-downs.
It is vital that adults understand and recognize when teens are struggling with mental health
issues and are able to direct them to supportive measures.
How to Know Teens Need Help
Since most teens go through some times of sadness and ups and downs of emotions, it can be
difficult to know when they are really in trouble. Here are some behaviors to watch for which,
taken together, can alert parents and other adults to their need for help.
Troubles at School including poor attendance, lack of focus, and a drop in grades
Drug and Alcohol Abuse in an attempt to bury their pain.
Lower Self Esteem in which teens may feel ashamed, unworthy or unappealing.
Reckless Behavior where they engage in high-risk driving, drinking, or unsafe sex.
Internet Addiction as a means of escaping real life and increasing their sense of
Violent Behavior, more common in boys, can be the result of bullying.
In other cases, extreme behaviors such as cutting (self-injury) or eating disorders may be the
result of depression.
In addition to the above behaviors, adults may notice that their teens display some of the
following behaviors:
Sadness or hopelessness
Irritability, anger, hostility
Frequent crying
Withdrawal from friends and activities
Changes in eating and sleeping habits
Fatigue and lack of energy
Unexplained aches and pains
Thoughts of death or suicide
Again, everyone feels some negative feelings from time to time. The key is to watch for patterns,
sudden changes in behavior or a combination of the above problems that become worrisome to
family members, teachers and others who know the teen well.
Springtime is the time of year when the highest number of suicide attempts among teens takes
place. It coincides with the pressures of final exams, fears related to college entrance or other
future plans and, sometimes, the worries related to such events as proms and other social events.
Some warning signs that a teen may be contemplating suicide include:
Talking or joking about suicide
Speaking about death or saying they’d be better off dead
Writing about death, dying or suicide
Engaging in risky behavior that causes them to be injured
Giving away prized possessions
Seeking out weapons or pills
Saying goodbye to friends and family members
How You Can Help
Parents can play a role in identifying teen depression and become champions of hope and
recovery. You know your child best. Here are some ways you can support teens suffering from
depression and thoughts of suicide:
Focus on listening to the teen, not teaching, reprimanding or lecturing.
Be persistent in talking with them about the things they’re feeling.
Accept their feelings and don’t try to change their minds. Acknowledging their
pain and sadness can build trust.
Since you know the teen well, trust your instincts in noticing dangerous behaviors
and attitudes and directing the teen toward help via a counselor, teacher, or mental
health professional.
Do your best to keep the teen engaged in positive activities such as sports, clubs,
or volunteer work. Isolation is the enemy of the depressed teen.
Spend time with the teen. Talking without distractions can play a big role in
helping the teen come to grips with problems.
Depressed teens need adequate nutrition, sleep and clear boundaries related to
their social lives. They need a “safety net” in which to live.
Become familiar with available mental health support systems.
Below, find help lines and other sources of support for teens who may be suicidal.
In the U.S.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK or text START to 741-741
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention:
Outside the U.S.
CDC Newsroom, U.S. Teen Girls Experiencing Increased Sadness and Violence, February 13,
Parent’s Guide to Teen Depression, Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms and Helping Your
Mayo Clinic, Symptoms and Causes of Teen Depression
Psychiatric Research and Clinical Practice Journal, Increases in Depression, Self-harm and
Suicide Among U.S. Adolescents after 2012 and Links to Technology Use: Possible Mechanisms,
Jean M. Twenge, Ph. D., 2020.
Time Health, There’s a Startling Increase in Major Depression Among Teens in the U.S., Susanna
Schrobsdorff, Nov. 2016.
Western Journal of Medicine, Identifying and Treating Adolescent Depression, Tompson, NcNeil,
Rea and Asarnow, March, 2000.