Explore the pumpkin patch, paint pumpkins, follow a trail of glowing jack-o-lanterns inside “Pumpkin Hollar,” spin out on the new Jumping’ Jacks ride, meet the Barnyard Animals, and explore the 8-acre HOUSTON ASTROS-themed corn maze!
PLUS, experience the evening hours spooky event, BOOriffic Nights! When the sun sets at Dewberry Farm, get ready for the nighttime fun to begin! Fall Festival takes a spookier turn during the evening hours as light from hundreds of glowing jack-o-lanterns starts to burn, and the Corn Maze becomes CREEPY! Enjoy all of the daytime attractions, PLUS: Throw axes with Jason at Camp Crystal Lake, see life-sized lanterns of your favorite heroes of horror, take photos in a replica set from Stranger Things, and more!
Dewberry Farm is located in Breckenridge, TX, a short 45-minute drive from downtown Houston.
Tickets and information at: www.DewberryFarm.com