
4 Ways to Celebrate Memorial Day with Kids

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Many people think of Memorial Day as the unofficial start of summer and celebrate by hosting a BBQ for family and friends. The real reason to celebrate Memorial Day is to acknowledge and remember those who have lost their lives during military service to our country. Unless they have been personally touched by the experience of losing a loved one who sacrificed their lives, your kids may not understand what the Memorial Day really means. Here are some kid-friendly ways to celebrate the holiday and honor those who have lost their lives as well.

Start a conversation

Simply explaining what Memorial Day means is a good place to start. There are books you can read to help explain the holiday to your child such as The Wall by Eve Bunting or The Poppy Lady by Barbara Walsh. There are also kid-friendly videos available online that can help you explain the holiday in an age appropriate way. “Memorial Day (History for Kids)” is a great video available on YouTube here. Give your child a chance to ask questions and answer as honestly as possible.

Send a greeting

Making a craft, card, or putting together a care package for soldiers who are overseas is a  great way to help celebrate Memorial Day and to help kids understand why it is important. There are many organizations that will help connect you to veterans, soldiers, or families of those who are serving overseas so that you can make sure your cards are sent to the right place. Operation We Are, Military Missions, Soldiers’ Angels, and A Million Thanks are a few organizations that can help connect your family with those that are serving or have served our country. If you are hosting a BBQ this holiday, consider having guests write a thank you card to soldiers while they are there. You can buy affordable bulk cards online or make your own.

Visit a parade or event

Most cities will host a Memorial Day parade or a remembrance event  to honor fallen soldiers. There are also many memorials or museums across the nation. Attending one of these events with your family can open up further conversation about what Memorial Day means and show your kids that it isn’t just another day off of school and work, but a day to remember those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedoms. 

Show your patriotism

Show your support for those who have served in the military by flying the American flag, making some patriotic desserts, decorating the house in red, white, and blue, and wearing the colors yourself. It is important to celebrate the freedom that we have thanks to those who have served and lost their lives. 



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