
7 Gift Ideas for New Parents

7 Gift Ideas for New Parents to Make Their Lives Easier.

As magical as it is being a new parent, it’s not always a barrel of laughs. The adjustment, the lack of sleep, all the juggling of all the balls.

When it comes to giving gifts to the new parent in your life, they deserve something that takes some of the stress off their shoulders.

Here are seven great gift ideas that will make the first few months of parenting a breeze (or at least a little bit easier).

Responsibly made diapers

Every parent in the world is in need of diapers, but conventional disposables are notoriously bad for the environment. Why not look at gifting sustainable diapers instead. DYPER responsible diapers make a great alternative to conventional brands and are perfect if the recipient is looking to “green parent.” They are made with viscose from sustainably sourced Bamboo and contain no perfumes or alcohol. Good for the baby, good for the environment — a win-win.

Even better, combine the diapers with the “REDYPER” system that picks up the used diapers and composts them responsibly. That’s one less thing to think about, which believe us, they’ll love you for.

Easy-to-feed dresses

Complicated dresses are a thing of the past once a new baby comes along. If the new mom in your life is going to breastfeed, they’re going to need clothes that make it as easy as possible. Easy-to-feed dresses include wrap dresses and dresses with layers over the bust.

They make a great gift choice because let’s face it, you can never have enough dresses when messy new babies are around.

Baby Carrier

When shopping for a baby carrier, it’s essential to consider your lifestyle and needs. For more active parents, a baby carrier backpack can provide added convenience and comfort during outdoor adventures or while running errands.

White noise machine

White noise machines drown out sounds that may keep a baby awake by simulating womb-like noise in the nursery. They’ve been proven to calm anxious babies and help them drift into a peaceful, deeper level of sleep. More sleep for the baby means more sleep for the parents. 

A teething necklace

Teething necklaces are fabulously dual purpose. They look great, with big chunky beads and the best of them are made from food-grade silicone, free of chemicals. Babies can therefore go to town on them, chewing for instant teething relief. There are some brilliant teething necklaces out there, so why not buy a couple of different designs?

A sustainably made diaper bag

Babies need an arsenal of stuff when on the go — diapers, blankets, spare clothes, toys — and parents need something to carry it all in. Enter a sustainably made tote bag. There are hundreds of versions on the market, all made with eco-friendly and natural materials by workers on a living wage.

A weighted blanket

For new parents, it’s all about sleep, and that means napping whenever possible. Sleeping under a weighted blanket is proven to boost the happy hormone serotonin and the sleep hormone melatonin, and reduce the stress hormone cortisol.

This means when parents finally gets some sleep, it’s of the best quality possible.

Easy presents, easier life

Aside from sleep, the only thing new parents want more than anything else is items to make their lives easier. From better sleep to environmentally friendly diapers, these gifts tick all the convenience boxes. All you need to do is decide which one to give.

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